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Paving at Joseph F. Mariani Contractors, Inc




Not all asphalt is made equal. The substances used can have a major effect on the final result. Low quality substances are more likely to crack or become brittle due to problems in the curing process. For this reason, it is best to come to a reliable and exceptional paving company for the best quality.


At Joseph F. Mariani Contractors, Inc, a paving contractor will use excellent asphalt to complete your driveway, sidewalk or new asphalt construction. You definitely should trust professionals who understand the process and installation to ensure proper and safe usage.


In Aston, PA, we have years of experience prepare us for your job! We are experts at paving and seal coating. Call Joseph F. Mariani Contractors, Inc today to see how we can help you. We also offer demolition and excavating services so you can start from scratch!


Demolition | Excavating | Sealcoating | Paving | Stone Recycling